
  1. Visiting Researcher

    Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence
  2. PhD Researcher

    University of Mons

    Responsibilities include:

    • Publishing papers in peer-reviewed venues.
    • Giving talks.
    • Supervising thesis.
    • Reviewing papers.
    • Teaching assistant.
  3. Graduate Intern


    Responsibilities include:

    • Building a context-aware machine learning framework that can adapt to concept drift.
    • Finding hidden patterns and interactions among more than 50 features.
    • Dealing with the unbalanced dataset.
  4. Teaching Assistant

    Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
  5. Data Science Intern

    Mentech Innovations

    Responsibilities include:

    • Performed an extensive literature review for emotion detection using facial expression.
    • Implemented a hybrid CNN-LSTM model.
    • Achieved an accuracy of 60% on CREMA-D and 54% on RAVDESS datasets.
    • Tested the model in real-time using a live video feed via webcam.
  6. Associate Software Engineer


    Responsibilities include:

    • Enhancement, support, and maintenance activity of the delivered processes.
    • Responsible for 2 major clients having a total of 10,000+ employees.
    • Worked on XML Publisher, approval workflow engine (AWE), and enhancements.
    • Modify several SQR reports based on client requirements.


  1. MSc Computer Science

    Eindhoven University of Technology
    Thesis: Context-aware Adaptive Learning Framework for Handling Concept Drift.
  2. BTech Information Technology

    West Bengal University of Technology

    GPA: 8.76/10.0

    Thesis: Human Action Recognition Using Convolution Neural Networks